


Stim-Plavim srls is an innovative startup, a spin-off from a company with years of experience in the design and production of electromedical devices.

The problem

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) is the leading cause of urological check-ups in Western countries: 70% of males aged 60 to 69 and 80% of those over seventy suffer from varying degrees of BPH. BPH leads to numerous lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS), including urgency, increased frequency of daytime and nighttime urination, urinary incontinence, hesitation, prolonged urination, resulting in a deterioration of the quality of life.

Traditional Therapy

The reference pharmacological therapy is based on two categories of drugs: alpha-blockers and alpha-reductase inhibitors. These drugs provide only symptomatic relief and are burdened by significant side effects such as orthostatic hypotension, decreased libido, etc.

Innovative Therapy

The STIM-PLAVIM® treatment for 30 minutes every 24 hours applied at the perineal level significantly reduces prostatic volume and post-void bladder volume, as obtained through suprapubic and transrectal echotomography, respectively. These results have been achieved in comparison to traditional therapy.


As of today, Stim-Plavim boasts the exclusivity of this innovative method on the market, allowing treatments with concentrated high-flux magnetic fields in a portable and energy-efficient device.


Effective on all inflammatory-degenerative osteoarticular pathologies capable of generating debilitating pain syndromes.

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